Information About Wrestling Supercards & Tournaments

  • On the menu frame, you will notice a link titled "Event Info." This is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with information on PPV buy rates, TV specials, and crowds over 25,000. If you have Excel, all you need to do is click on the link. If you'd like to download the file, right click on the link and choose "save target as" and save it on your computer.

  • I do not have most of the events on video nor do I sell or trade tapes or DVDs.

  • A few notes about various numbers listed:

    • All attendances are for the number of fans in the building, not the number who actually paid. Gate receipts are all in U.S. dollars. Exchange rates from the day of the show were used in calculating foreign gates.

    • I've attempted to list the matches in the order they occurred. Dark matches are indicated in italics. They are not listed when the event was part of a TV taping (SNME, TME, etc.) or was a special pay-per-view version of a foreign show (WCW/New Japan Supershows, UWFI PPV's, etc.).

    • The number in parenthisis at the end of the "Shown" line represents either a television rating or pay-per-view buyrate. This is the number of people watching divided by those who could have watched.

  • A special thanks goes out to the following people:

    • Frank Shanley, Hisaharu Tanabe, Masa Horie, and John Williams for much of the Japanese information.

    • Dave Meltzer (Wrestling Observer Newsletter), J. Michael Kenyon (The WAWLI Papers), and the folks at all the newstand magazines (Apter, Napalitano, etc.). Their publications have all been great sources.

    • I'd also like to thank Allen Sarven (Al Snow) for his mistake inspiring me to put together this page. Hey, Al! I was right, it was Hase & Chono at Clash XV and Fujinami & Iizuka at WrestleWar '92, not the reverse.

    • And thanks to the dozens of people who have sent in their updates, additions, and corrections. These are the people who care enough to take the effort to help fill in the missing info (or point out events of which I wasn't aware) or just bring to my attention minor mistakes or omissions. These are the types of fans that truly care about the history of wrestling.