1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 _ _

Best of the Best Tournament

May 19, 2001 in Sewell, NJ

Trent Acid______
Joel Maximo_____|        |Acid______
                |Ruckus__|          |
Ruckus__________|                   |
Jay Briscoe_____                    |        |
                |Briscoe_           |        |
Nick Mondo______|        |J Briscoe_|        |
                |Briscoe_|                   |
Mark Briscoe____|                            |
Minoru Fujita___                             |
                |Fujita__                    |
Jose Maximo_____|        |Fujita____         |
                |Berk____|          |        |
Nick Berk_______|                   |        |
The Amazing Red_                    |
                |Red_____           |
Ric Blade_______|        |Winger____|

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Best of the Best Tournament 2

June 8, 2002 in Philadelphia, PA

Trent Acid______
Gabriel_________|         |Acid____
                |M-Dogg___|        |
M-Dogg 20_______|                  |
B-Boy___________                   |        |
                |B-Boy____         |        |
Nick Berk_______|         |B-Boy___|        |
                |Dragon___|                 |
Super Dragon____|                           |
Ruckus__________                            |
                |Ruckus___                  |
Maxx Fuery______|         |Ruckus__         |
                |Mamaluke_|        |        |
Tony Mamaluke___|                  |        |
Johnny Storm____                   |
                |Storm____         |
Johnny Kashmere_|         |Fleisch_|
Jodie Fleisch___|

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Best of the Best Tournament 3

April 12, 2003 in Philadelphia, PA

Chris Cash____|          |Dutt____
              |Briscoe___|        |
Ruckus________|                   |
Trent Acid____                    |        |
              |Acid______         |        |
Tony Mamaluke_|          |Acid____|        |
              |Blade_____|                 |
Ric Blade_____|                            |
Jay Briscoe___                             |
              |Briscoe___                  |
AJ Styles_____|          |Briscoe_         |
              |Rave______|        |        |
Jimmy Rave____|                   |        |
Lil Cholo_____                    |
              |Lil Cholo_         |
Deranged______|          |B-Boy___|

Note: Ruckus was a co-winner in the first round, but was injured after
the match by Chris Cash. Mark Briscoe replaced him in the second round.

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Best of the Best Tournament 4

July 10, 2004 in Philadelphia, PA

Roderick Strong_
Jimmy Rave______|         |Strong___
                |B-Boy____|         |
B-Boy___________|                   |
Jack Evans______                    |        |
                |Evans____          |        |
Chris Cash______|         |Homicide_|        |
                |Homicide_|                  |
Homicide________|                            |
Bobby Quance____                             |
                |Quance___                   |
Ruckus__________|         |Quance___         |
                |Shelley__|         |        |
Alex Shelley____|                   |        |
Petey Williams__                    |
                |Williams_          |
Nate Webb_______|         |Dutt_____|
Sonjay Dutt_____|

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Best of the Best Tournament 5

May 14, 2005 in Philadelphia, PA

Kevin Steen________
Kenny the Bastard__|            |
Brandon Thomaselli_             |            |
                   |Hero________|            |
Chris Hero_________|                         |
El Generico________                          |
                   |Generico____             |
Excalibur__________|            |            |
Chris Bosh_________             |            |
                   |Dragon______|            |
Super Dragon_______|                         |
B-Boy______________                          |
                   |B-Boy_______             |
Sabian_____________|            |            |
Nate Webb__________             |            |
                   |Ebessan_____|            |
Ebessan____________|                         |
Claudio Castagnoli_                          |
                   |Castagnoli__             |
Derek Frazier______|            |            |
Arik Cannon________             |
Mike Quackenbush___|

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Best of the Best Tournament 6

May 13, 2006 in Philadelphia, PA

Derek Frazier_______|           |Ruckus_____
                    |Daniels____|           |
Christopher Daniels_|                       |
B-Boy_______________                        |
                    |B-Boy______            |
Jigsaw______________|           |Aries______|
                    |Aries______|           |
Austin Aries________|                       |
Claudio Castagnoli__                        |
                    |Castagnoli_            |
Jay Lethal__________|           |Castagnoli_|
                    |Strong_____|           |
Roderick Strong_____|                       |
Matt Sydal__________                        |
                    |Sydal______            |
Sonjay Dutt_________|           |Sabian_____|

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Best of the Best Tournament 7

July 14, 2007 in Philadelphia, PA

Drake Younger______|              |
Sal Thomaselli_____               |
Ricky Reyes________|              |
The Human Tornado__               |        |
                   |Tornado_______|        |
Ruckus_____________|              |        |
                                  |        |
Cloudy_____________               |        |
                   |Vortekz_______|        |
Scotty Vortekz_____|                       |
Jigsaw_____________                        |
                   |Jigsaw________         |
Grim Reefer________|              |        |
                                  |        |
Vito Thomaselli____               |        |
                   |B. Thomaselli_|        |
Brandon Thomaselli_|              |        |
Ricochet___________               |
Chuck Taylor_______|              |
Cheech_____________               |

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Best of the Best Tournament 8

May 11, 2008 in Philadelphia, PA

Drake Younger_____________|Sabian___
                          |         |
Bruce Maxwell & TJ Cannon_|         |
Pinkie Sanchez____________          |         |
                          |         |         |
Spyral BKNY_______________|Gulak____|         |
                          |                   |
Drew Gulak________________|                   |
LuFisto___________________                    |
                          |                   |
Josh Prohibition__________|LuFisto__          |
                          |         |         |
Scotty Vortekz____________|         |         |
Stupefied_________________          |
                          |         |
Chuck Taylor______________|

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Best of the Best Tournament 9

June 13, 2009 in Philadelphia, PA

Ego Fantastico_
Drew Blood_____|           |
Devon Moore____            |
Pinkie Sanchez_|           |           |
                           |           |
Sabian_________            |           |
               |Xion_______|           |
Shiima Xion____|                       |
Ryan McBride___                        |
               |McBride____            |
B-Boy__________|           |           |
                           |           |
Scotty Vortekz_            |           |
Carter Gray____|           |
Greg Excellent_            |
Sami Callihan__|

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No tournament was held in 2010

Best of the Best Tournament 10

April 9, 2011 in Philadelphia, PA

Adam Cole________
Kyle O'Reilly____|Cole_____
                 |         |
Johnny Gargano___|         |
Akuma____________          |         |
                 |         |         |
Jonathan Gresham_|Sabre____|         |
                 |                   |
Zack Sabre, Jr.__|                   |
Daisuke Sekimoto_                    |
                 |                   |
Brandon Gatson___|Sekimoto_          |
                 |         |         |
Chuck Taylor_____|         |         |
Jake Crist_______          |
                 |         |
AR Fox___________|Callihan_|
Sami Callihan____|

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Best of the Best Tournament 11

April 14, 2012 in Vorhees, NJ

Sami Callahan___
Trent 7_________|
MK McKinnan_____|         |
                |         |
Drake Younger___|         |
Greg Excellent__          |         |
                |         |         |
Willie Mack_____|Colon____|         |
                |                   |
Alex Colon______|                   |
Samuray Del Sol_                    |
                |                   |
Chuck Taylor____|Del Sol__          |
                |         |         |
Johnny Gargano__|         |         |
ACH_____________          |
                |         |
Lince Dorado____|Fox______|
AR Fox__________|

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Best of the Best Tournament 12

April 13, 2013 in Vorhees, NJ

Alex Colon_______
Rich Swann_______|Colon____
                 |         |
Shane Strickland_|         |
Jon Gresham______          |        |
                 |         |        |
Biff Busick______|Gresham__|        |
                 |                  |
Caleb Konley_____|                  |
Alex Reynolds____                   |
                 |                  |
Shane Hollister__|End______         |
                 |         |        |
Tommy End________|         |        |
Andrew Everett___          |
                 |         |
Uhaa Nation______|Fox______|
AR Fox___________|

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Best of the Best Tournament 13

April 12, 2014 in Vorhees, NJ

Drake Younger__
Tim Thatcher___|Younger_
               |        |
Papadon________|        |
Andrew Everett_         |        |
               |        |        |
Mike Bailey____|Fox_____|        |
               |                 |
AR Fox_________|                 |
Chuck Taylor___                  |
               |                 |
Buxx Belmar____|Taylor__         |
               |        |        |
Lucky 13_______|        |        |
Caleb Konley___         |
               |        |
Biff Busick____|

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Best of the Best Tournament 14

April 11, 2015 in Vorhees, NJ

Mike Bailey______
Buxx Belmar______|Bailey__
                 |        |
Andrew Everett___|        |
Joe Gacy_________         |        |
                 |        |        |
Joey Janela______|CJP_____|        |
                 |                 |
CJP______________|                 |
Tommy End________                  |
                 |                 |
Caleb Konley_____|End_____         |
                 |        |        |
Aaron Williams___|        |        |
Tracy Williams___         |
                 |        |
Trevor Lee_______|Gresham_|
Jonathon Gresham_|

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Best of the Best Tournament 15

April 9, 2016 in Vorhees, NJ

Jonathon Gresham___
Joey Janela________|Gresham____
                   |           |
Lio Rush___________|           |
Ethan Page_________            |         |
                   |           |         |
Ryan Galeone_______|R.S. Page__|         |
                   |                     |
Rickey Shane Page__|                     |
Shane Strickland___                      |
                   |                     |
Anthony Henry______|Strickland_          |
                   |           |         |
Curt Robinson______|           |         |
Dave Crist_________            |
                   |           |
Dezmond Xavier_____|Starr______|
David Starr________|

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Best of the Best Tournament 16

April 1, 2017 in Orlando, FL

Dave Crist________
Rey Fenix_________|
                  |D. Crist___
Sami Callihan_____|           |
                  |           |
Jake Crist________|           |
                              |D. Crist___
Anthony Henry_____            |           |
                  |           |           |
Scorpio Sky_______|           |           |
                  |Elgin______|           |
Zachary Wentz_____|                       |
                  |                       |
Michael Elgin_____|                       |
                                          |D. Crist__
AR Fox____________                        |
                  |                       |
David Starr_______|                       |
                  |Fox________            |
Jason Cade________|           |           |
                  |           |           |
Ricochet__________|           |           |
Dezmond Xavier____            |
                  |           |
Joey Janela_______|           |
Lio Rush__________|
Shane Strickland__|

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Best of the Best Tournament 17

April 14, 2018 in Vorhees, NJ

David Starr_____
Peter Avalon____|Starr & Blanchard_
                |                  |
Tessa Blanchard_|                  |
Curt Stallion___                   |       |
                |                  |       |
Matt Riddle_____|Riddle____________|       |
                |                          |
Wheeler Yuta____|                          |
Zachary Wentz___                           |Starr__
                |                          |
Myron Reed______|Wentz_____________        |
                |                  |       |
Trey Miguel_____|                  |       |
                                   |       |
Joey Janela_____                   |Wentz__|
                |                  |
Brandon Kirk____|                  |
Rich Swann______| 
Joe Gacy________|

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Best of the Best Tournament 18

April 13, 2019 in Vorhees, NJ

David Starr_____
Joey Lynch______|
Jimmy Rave______|        |
                |        |
Darius Lockhart_|        |
Mance Warner____         |        |
                |        |        |
B-Boy___________|        |        |
                |Greene__|        |
Anthony Gangone_|                 |
                |                 |
Anthony Greene__|                 |
Jordan Oliver___                  |
                |                 |
Matt Travis_____|                 |
                |Oliver__         |
Myron Reed______|        |        |
                |        |        |
Sammy Guevara___|        |        |
Fred Yehi_______         |
                |        |
Gary Jay________|        |
Kris Statlander_|
John Silver_____|

Note: Greene won the CZW Title in the first
round, Starr in the second, and Silver in the final.

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